Job Fairs and Employment Events
Last Updated: Oct 31, 2024, 02:49 PM

The Center hosts job fairs, for all majors, during the fall and spring semesters for students seeking internships and career opportunities. Generally, the fairs are held in September and February and hosted on-campus.
The 2025 - 2026 academic fairs will be held on Tuesday February 18th, 2025 and September 16th, 2025
Saluki Student Job Fair
Local employers - local jobs! This fair is for students seeking part-time employment on campus or within the local community. Generally held the first week of school in August, many campus departments and employers in Carbondale and nearby communities come out to recruit students. The event is held in the Student Center Ballrooms and does not require pre-registration.
Students can view a list of participating companies for all jobs fairs through Handshake - SIU's internship and career job search platform.
Employer Information Sessions
Throughout the entire year, employers host webinars where students can learn more about potential employment opportunities and internships, workplace culture, and what it takes to get hired. These are live sessions with recruiters. Get the inside scoop - the kind of information you will not find on the Internet.
Take the first step. View event details and registration through Hire a Saluki (powered by Handshake).
To receive event notifications, make sure to:
- add to your email contacts; and
- set your notification preferences in Handshake.
Job and Internship Fair
Tuesday, February 18th, 2025
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
SIU Student Center Ballrooms
Admission is FREE for students and alumni! The only admission requirements are that students come dressed professionally. Students should also bring multiple copies of their resumes.
We DO NOT have resume critiques at the Job and Internship Fair.
Employer participants are listed in Handshake under the Events section. Employers will register continuously from mid-July to the day before the event. Students are encouraged to check the list often.
Resume Critiques and Interview Prep
The Career Development Center invites you to engage in interview preparation, and resume and cover letter critiques by appointment. Schedule your appointment through Handshake or by calling us at 618-453-2391.
Walk-up Resume Critique Event
TBD, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Student Center 1st Floor
Professional Clothing Closet
Our professional clothing closet is open weekdays from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Call for an appointment or stop by and suit-up for the job fair. The clothing is yours to keep.
JCPenney Suit-Up Event
Discounted professional clothes
Online at
Date: TBD
Text "SIU" to 67292 to receive the discount code.