Last Updated: Oct 31, 2024, 02:49 PM

Faculty has an impact on students that can reach far beyond the classroom. You can help your students get their first job, find new career opportunities, and so much more. Here are some resources that can help you with a few simple ways to help your students be successful long term.
Extern Program
While earning a degree at SIU, encourage your students to consider adding hands-on experience to enhance the concepts learned in the classroom. The Extern Program is a week-long internship that takes place over spring break and allows students to experience a whole week of life in the industry they are pursuing. These lessons can help students clarify what they are interested in the long term and see any deficiencies they need to improve on.
How to Write Reference Letters
Reference letters can offer students a competitive edge over others with similar skills and education. Taking the time to talk about where a student excels will show the employer some of the potential you see in them as well.
Mock Interviewing
Mock interviewing can be great too to help students understand the importance of taking an interview seriously. We encourage you to include the mock interview program as a part of our class to help make sure students have the ability to articulate the skills and knowledge you are instilling in them in the classroom. The Career Development Center offers interview practice in two forms, virtual and in-person. If you would like to incorporate mock interviews into your classroom, please contact Jaime Conley-Holt at 618-453-1036 or jbcholt@siu.edu.
Find more information about the mock interview program here.
S.U.I.T. Fund
The Summer Unpaid Internship Trust Fund is a way to help make sure all students get access to the same opportunities regardless of financial situation. Scholarships are provided only for summer internships and range from $500 - $2000.
Professional Clothing Closet
The Professional Clothing Closet gives SIU Students the opportunity to get one free professional outfit per semester they are enrolled at SIU. If you make the most of this opportunity, you will have clothes ready for your first job out of college.